God’s “Why” in Anxiety’s “What”

“Because I said so.” We all hated to hear it as children. We’re all surprised to hear it come out of our own mouths as parents.

At our best, when we give our children directives there is a wealth of wisdom and a heart of love behind them where what we say is because we believe it is what’s best for them. We may not have time to explain, or our children may not have the capacity to understand when they ask “why” to “what” we have asked of them. In those cases, “Because I said so.” ends the conversation and puts the emphasis back on what needs to be done.

At our worst, however, the “why” behind our “what” betrays the wisdom and love that should drive what we ask of our children. Sometimes my most honest response to my children when they’ve asked “why” would be, “Because I’m in a bad mood so I’m using my authority to serve myself and don’t want to be bothered to think about what’s best for you.” 

It is a glorious truth that God our Father is always the former and never the latter. Behind everything he asks and requires of us is the unshakeable foundation of his all-wise, all-loving heart toward us as his children.

If ever there were one who could rightly respond to every “why” with “because I said so” it is God. But he doesn’t! Not only has God revealed what is required of us he has also revealed himself. We can have confidence that behind every command of God are the attributes and actions of God that assure us that, even when we don’t understand the “what”, we know we can trust his “why”.

1 Peter 5:7 tells us to cast all our anxieties on God. On the surface, this is not a “command” we’d expect to receive a reluctant “why” in response. Yet our sleepless nights, stress eating, and high blood pressure show that we are reluctant to cast all our anxieties on God! We have to admit that we too often carry what we cannot control, and it is very difficult for us to let it go. Maybe we’re afraid. Maybe we’re proud. Maybe we don’t know how or that we can. But we do not cast all our anxieties on God.

God commands us – he invites us – to cast our anxieties on him – all of them. And knowing our weakness and reluctance to do that, he graciously gives us so much more than “because I said so.” God invites you to cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you.

Let your imagination run wild thinking of what it would look like if God were fully engaged in whatever it is that’s weighing you down. Then ask for the Spirit’s help to live as if that were true – because it is. God’s care for you compels him to commit himself to what concerns you. Take a look at what you are carrying that you cannot control and then take a longer look at the mighty hands of the only one who is able to carry it and rest in the reality that he is in control. Pray for God’s help to see him as worthy of your trust so that you cast all your anxieties on him as a humble recognition of his care for you.

~ Andy Barker grew up in Boston, Ma. and relocated to Charlotte in 2008. He currently serves as an elder at LIFE Fellowship. He and his wife Melanie have five children and have attended LIFE Fellowship for ten years.


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