LIFE Fellowship is committed to challenging our church family to Embrace the Great Commission.
Start Local!
We are always looking to go beyond our walls and impact our community with the love of Jesus Christ.
From our monthly missions emphasis benefitting various ministries to periodic service days in the community, LIFE Fellowship seeks to follow the Greatest Commandment to love God with all our heart, soul and mind and to love our neighbors as we do ourselves - especially the least of these.
Some of our local partnerships include A Cause for Tea, Love Life Charlotte, In His Steps, Alongside Families, the Community Pregnancy Center of Lake Norman, the Neighborhood C.A.R.E. Center, Hope Vibes, the Charlotte Rescue Mission, Feed NC, the Equal Rights Institute, Salisbury Prison Ministry, Pee Wee Soccer, Stewards of the Game and the Charlotte Eagles.
Meet our partners.
Go Global!
We focus not only on local ministries but also global ministries and missions. Through partnerships with para-church ministries gospel-sharing initiatives individuals and special projects around the globe, we strive to be a church where the sun never sets on the ministry of LIFE Fellowship.
Some of our partnerships outside our region include The Timothy Initiative, Timberline Ministries, Wycliffe Bible Translation, Sak Saum and The Institution of Biblical Leadership as well as various church planting, pastoral support projects and missionary partnerships in Cuba, Southeast Asia, Western Africa and other places around the globe.
Head. Heart. Hands.
We have a three-fold approach – Head, Heart and Hands.
The “Head” emphasizes the development and distribution of materials such as Bibles, videos and other projects that seek to educate people with the Gospel.
The “Heart” deals with Evangelism. Every missions project and partner must have a gospel component – whether it is a social justice initiative, a project, a partnership or support for an individual or agency.
The “Hands” involves personal service – this involves taking the Gospel to the streets in the form of acts of public service and support of those in needs.
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LIFE Fellowship continues to forge partnerships with local agencies and individuals who are committed to reaching our nearby communities with the message of Christ and in order to be salt and light (Matt. 5:13-16).
From college campuses to homeless ministries to crisis assistance support to addiction recovery efforts to abortion-alternative agencies to encouraging local schools and governmental projects to planting new churches right here, we are investing in alliances which build bridges to and platforms for the Gospel message that JESUS is the solution to life’s most profound crises.
By volunteering, providing financial support, networking, promoting and joining – we begin close to “home” with our efforts to ignite the transformative work of Christ in the life of others as we seek to reach the whole world with the Good News.
Our philosophy with partnering with others committed to the Gospel moves from our local communities and across the North American Continent and in our own country, in particular, we move from our “Jerusalem” to the near-by regions.
We are building a network of partnerships that run the gamut of using the internet and media to provide apologetical answers for skeptics to helping reach Generation Z in camps and campus outreaches to help provide training and transitional support to those who have been incarcerated or who are no longer eligible for Foster Care to engaging in church planting efforts in regions of the country which are desperately unreached and more.
Joining those who are experts in their calling allows us to encourage and participate without having to carry the entire responsibility or having to be specialists in areas where others are already adept. From disaster recovery assistance on a short-term team or regular day-trip relationships to provide ongoing training and support, there are myriad ways in which we can make investments across our continent for the Gospel.
International missions has experienced a seismic shift in the last generation as improved transportation and the internet have made it possible for all of us to connect for the Gospel in virtually every nation in the World.
One area of particular focus for LIFE Fellowship is training national pastors and lay leaders to reach their own culture and communities through partnering with them. We are committed to training church planters around the globe so that they may effectively reach their own people groups and neighborhoods. Investing our financial resources in nationals has a far greater impact today than other models which required families from this country to pack up, move and learn an entirely new culture.
While some are still called to do this, we also are actively making alliances with groups of fellow believers in countries where Americans frequently cannot move – particularly for missions purposes. Planting churches again is a major focus of our international strategy at LIFE Fellowship – just as it was in the book of Acts.
God is a sending God (John 20:21), and as we seek to become a sending church, we’re going to have to learn how to be as open-handed and open-hearted toward the LORD as He’s been with us. We have introduced the 100-10-1 initiative to help our church move from a collecting church to a sending church.
The 100 represents every person living as a missionary every day in every place that God has sent us.
The 10 represents a tenth of our church family that goes out to help with one of our local planting initiatives.
The 1 represents 1% of our church family that follows the call of God to not only leave our church, but our context to take the gospel of Jesus to places where it is needed most.
If we are going to see a culture of sending become a reality at LIFE Fellowship, we need to first see our identity as an ambassador of Christ as an every day reality of our lives. Next, we need to be will to send out our best. Our best people and our best resources are God’s, and we need to hold them out to him with open hearts and open hands and ask Him to make and multiply disciples for His glory.
We challenge our LIFE Fellowship family to give above our tithes to “Above and Beyond” giving – “Above the tithes to go Beyond our campus”. These designated offerings are then used to expand our reach through our “Global Outreach” strategy.
Through the general budget, 10% of what we receive each year in our offerings (approximately $250,000 this year) is set aside for support. If every family in our church body were to just set aside an extra $50 per month for Above and Beyond Giving, we would DOUBLE that amount.
Would you please prayerfully consider giving “Above and Beyond” for missions in the coming year by contributing weekly or monthly to our Global Missions Ministry?
Each year multiple opportunities arise from within our community to serve missionaries overseas. We also offer opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our own backyard via service opportunities, restoration projects and other special projects.
If you would like to receive updates about these opportunities, email media@lifecharlotte.com We also hope to offer a special spiritual growth trip to Israel in the near future.