Restore to Factory Setting

What does it mean to pursue God at all costs?  If we understand this to really mean “without any limits” or “at any price”, would most of us say we actually do this?  Would we really be willing to do it?  Have we been tested to the limit, as Paul had?  Probably not.

Most of us could likely look back at some moments in our Christian walk that were less than stellar. Maybe we knew we had an opportunity to share the Gospel, but we didn’t do it.  Oh, we say things like, “well I’m not gifted in that area”.  Or, “nobody is perfect”.  And the one that gives us plenty of cover when we are not pursuing God at all costs, or even walking with Him, is “God knows my heart”.  That’s our “get out of jail free” card, it seems.

God expects to have all of us; body, soul, and spirit. He loves His creation, and He wants to direct us. We are told in this week’s scripture, Romans 12:1-2,  to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, in view of God’s mercy to us.  Sounds like a reasonable exchange.  God forgives us, cleanses us, saves us, and in return He wants, well, us.

When I first came to faith, I had to put down my reliance on rituals, and ceremony.  I had to stop believing I was basically good, and could find my own way to God. I had to put away the former things, as 1 Corinthians 13:11 says. That’s easier said than done.

In order to renew my mind, God had to restore me to His original factory settings.  I actually wasn’t good. The lens through which I viewed God, and the world, had been worn down and distorted by my own values - my own settings.  When we are going along with the world, we are not operating with the mind of Christ, and we are in need of a total transformation, to the way God intended us to think, behave, and speak.  We need to go back to the factory reset that God planned for us.

God’s Word is clear; that He is the source of our joy and peace.  I can chase all this world has to offer, and all it will get me is tired.  If I want joy, I need to be pursuing the things of God, not the things of this world, or the things my flesh values.  I know from hard-earned experience that they do not bring joy.

Distractions, deadlines and duties will compete for your mind, and your joy.  You and I will have no power if we are merely Sunday- go- to -church Christians, because by Monday we will be running out of steam.  It’s as if we want God on Sunday, but are looking for joy in all the wrong places again, come Monday.  Our minds cannot be renewed if we are constantly jumping kingdoms from God, to the world, depending on the day of the week.  How will you fight for joy this week?

I love God’s Word.  On the days when I don’t, I ask Him to give me a love for it.  That may seem an odd thing to pray for, but God is not going to deny that prayer request.

It took me a long time to come to the realization that I needed a Godly reset of my mind.  That was the only thing that would help me live in peace and joy, regardless of the state of the world.  When I began focusing on Him, and not my own plans, God revealed more of Himself.  My love for Him, scripture, and people deepened.

My identity is firmly in Christ. That motivates me to live for Him, and welcome His transformation of my mind to His settings, which is where He always intended it to be.

~ Originally from New York, Gerry Lutzel has been a NC resident since 2017 and currently teaches in the women’s Bible study. She also serves at Guest Services on Sunday mornings.


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